-Getting Started

Double-click `kSpectra', and the Start-up window will appear:

By using the toolbar you can access the following functions of the toolkit:

The time series must be equally spaced in time. The value of sampling interval is assumed to be 1 (unity) by default, or the sampling interval can be set by using the "Sampling" fields for each spectral tool individually. The resulting spectral estimates are then plotted accordingly. If, for example, the input data are sampled every 2 months, the Nyquist interval on the frequency axis will be labeled from 0 to 0.25 cycles/month. File data with NaN values (case insensitive) are treated as missing. To analyze such data Univariate Gap-Filling and Multivariate Gap-filling methods are provided.

If the data is read from ASCII or CSV files, new Vector or Matrix data object will have a file's name. The names of data objects can not be changed once created, but new data objects can be changed and copied with Manage Data utility.

Data objects can be also saved using the `Save' button or by dragging out selected rows in Vectors (Matrices) table views to Finder. The user then can the choose the desired ouput format - ASCII, CSV or Matlab In the latter case the single file will be created for all the selected data objects. To save all data in a single Matlab file use Save MAT-file option in File Menu (see below).


time series tools


Compare utility compares on the same plot two selected vectors or spectral estimates.


Manage utility allows to copy specified Columns (Rows) of Matrices, or Vector, from a source data object selected in From section, to a new target data object, whose type and name is set in To section.

If Columns (Rows) field is left empty, then by default all Columns (Rows) of the source Matrix will be copied to a target Matrix. Contiguous Columns (Rows) of a Matrix source can be specified individually, i.e. 1 2 3 4, or in concise form as 1-4. The Start and End sliders control the range of copied data: if source is a Vector, then it is the range of its indices. If source is a Matrix and its Columns are copied, sliders will control number of Rows in a target, and visa versa.

In addition, the following optional operations can be performed on the target (if it is a Matrix, these options will act on its columns):


Project and MAT Files

Single projects files containing all data and plots, can be opened and saved with Open, Open Recent, Save and Save As menu features. By default the project file is given the .tkt extension. Clear All option removes all the data from the application's memory and closes all the windows with plots. Hide Plots option closes all the plots.

Load Mat-file and Save Mat-file options support data I/O to Matlab. Matlab scripts for plotting kSpectra results are provided with Demo version.

At the bottom of the main window there is a drawer Task Manager which is usually hidden. It opens only when the analysis has been started with any of the tools, or I/O operations are performed, and an entry appears in the Task Manager with a progress bar. The user can stop any task by checking a Cancel flag next to a progress bar:

When there are no active computation tasks running, the Task Manager drawer closes.


There are three options for spectrum normalization throughout the Toolkit that can be selected in Preferences panel in kSpectra menu. The default option is for the power spectrum to be normalized by the length of the time series - (InputUnit)2. Next is power spectral density (PSD) which is the power spectrum divided by the frequency range - (InputUnit)2/Hz, and finally the square-root of PSD.

power spectrum

User can choose EPS or PDF file format for saving plots, and the default font for labels and legends. If "Update plot continuously" is checked, any change in Graph Controls settings is applied immediately to the ActivePlot (see below). If it is unchecked, user can adjust several settings and then apply all the changes to ActivePlot at once with Apply button.

Also, number of cross-validation tests for gap-filling can be set here (see MSSA and SSA gap-filling sections), as well as option to connect points (linear interpolation) through gaps when plotting datasets with missing data. Restore option return default Preference values.